With Les Rendez-Vous Satellites, the IAC continues its experiments relating to artistic creation and its research activities. During the exhibitions, Les Rendez-Vous Satellites offer different ways to approach artistic creation, such as meetings with artists (Guillaume Leblon in 2014, Jason Dodge in 2016), readings (Matthew Dickman in 2016), and lecture-performances (Matt Mullican in 2017). Outside of exhibition periods, informal, convivial occasions keep the public informed of current art movements, alternating between artistic formats and meetings addressing social issues (Microsillons in 2016, Julie Desprairies in 2017).
On the continuum between research and popularisation, the IAC also offers lectures (an intrductory series on art history), meetings with art world figures (Jean-Hubert Martin, Martin Béthenod, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo), and screening-discussion series (Jef Cornelis).
Julien Bismuth
Miscellanées V

Fabricateurs d'espaces

Cycle cinéma expérimental
Cinéma d'animation
Jonas Mékas et "Le Journal Filmé"
Galeries Nomades
5 artistes / 6 lieux / 6 expositions / 5 publications.
Ambitions d'Art
Conception : Jean-Claude Conésa
Ambition d'art/Nuit des Musées
Table d'hôtes
Albrecht D.

François Curlet
Villeurbanne Flavor ou le Sergent Pepper trouve l'addition salée

TNP / Journées langagières
Lecture de textes de Dan Graham
Lectures de textes de Claes Oldenburg, Allan Kaprow…