Scénographies - de Dan Graham à Hubert Robert

Parcours 2009

from  to 

Art3 Valence

La comédie de Valence Valence

Ancienne Bourse du travail Valence

Salle des Clercs Valence

Cour de la Maison des Têtes Valence

Palais Delphinal Saint-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse

Scénographies – de Dan Graham à Hubert Robert was a transhistorical view of the two collections in a circuit of eight cultural and heritage sites. The selection of works addressed the notion of scenography from its academic definition—the representation in perspective of space, sites, buildings, landscapes and décors—to contemporary scene-setting. Forms and devices were explored—composition, reconstitution, deployment, superposition, framing, geometry in space, topology, etc.—together with the relation between the works and the visitor's environment.

IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes → Scénographies - de Dan Graham à Hubert Robert
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