
Parcours été 2011

from  to 

Palais Delphinal Saint-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse

Espace d'Art François-Auguste Ducros Grignan — Drôme

Using works from the Institute's collection, Atmosphères was like an extension of the project that Ann Veronica Janssens initiated at Château des Adhémar; in a perceptual mode, it concerned the relation between space and body that underlines the presentation of all these works.

At Palais Delphinal in Saint-Donat, work by Laurent Grasso and Sylvia Bossu interacted and, with a sensorial foundation, evoked the propagation of the sounds of the world in a somewhat paranoiac atmosphere. At Espace Visitation in Romans, a poetical/critical vision took shape with a work by Melik Ohanian and an artificial landscape by Pierre Malphettes. The exhibition at Espace François-Auguste Ducros in Grignan was centred on environments such as that of Philippe Decrauzat and generated a loss of physical references. Finally, the Château de Suze-la-Rousse was the venue for setting up dialogues in the form of reflection between the historical building and the 'constructed spaces' of the works. Visitors were invited to absorb the whole of the route in both a physical and mental manner.

IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes → Atmosphères
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