Laboratoire espace cerveau - Station 16


from  to 
Co-founded in 2009 by artist Ann Veronica Janssens and Nathalie Ergino, director of the Institute for Contemporary Art (IAC), the space brain Laboratory investigates theoretical and practical research that allow for the interconnection of space, time, body and brain. In the light of both recent-day scientific achievements −in neurosciences, astrophysics, anthropology, biology, geology, etc)− and the reassessment of practices such as hypnosis, shamanism and animism, the space brain Laboratory offers itself, from the perspective of artistic experimenting, as a gathering point for researchers and artists willing to share intuition as their driving force, collective vision as their common ground, and exchange as their working method. Transdisciplinary by nature, the Lab evolves on a gradual scale, in various stages. These stages make up so many investigative units, and may assume various forms, such as workshops, lectures, or a particular focus on a body of works, whether in-site (in situ) or off-site (ex situ).

Study days 
Friday 22nd November at the IAC, Villeurbanne
15:00 - 18:30

Saturday 23rd November at the Usines Fagor, Lyon
9:30 - 13:15

Isabelle Andriessen, Olga Balema, Alisa Baremboym, Hicham Berrada, Lynda Benglis, Michel Blazy, Giovanni Boccaccio, Bianca Bondi, Bruno Botella, Charles Burns, Thomas Cailley et Sébastien Mounier, Nina Canell, John Carpenter, Giulia Cenci, Jean, Morgan Courtois, David Cronenberg, Julien Discrit, Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson, Mimosa Echard, Khalil El Ghribi, Thomas Feuerstein, Alex Garland, Jonathan Glazer, Ane Graff, Daiga Grantina, Pakui Hardware, Roger Hiorns, Pierre Huyghe, Ann Veronica Janssens, Camille Juthier, Tetsumi Kudo, Mire Lee, Théo Massoulier, Hayao Miyazaki, Alan Moore, Pakui Hardware, Jean Painlevé, Katsuhiro Otomo, Shanta Rao, Pamela Rosenkranz, Karl Sims, Frank Percy Smith, Robert Smithson, Stuart Staples, Satoshi Tajiri, Fabrizio Terranova, John William Waterhouse, Trevor Yeung, Anicka Yi

Station 16 takes the artworks of the fifteenth Biennale de Lyon, entitled Là où les eaux se mêlent [Where Water Comes Together With Other Water] as its objects of study. Based on an original idea by Raphaël Brunel, curator, and Julien Discrit, artist, after Station 14 (« Matière et métabolismes »), this edition pursues the exploration of matter, at once a vector and product of contamination and metamorphosis. This matter is probed as a possible paradigm for taking stock of the porosity and intermingling between the creatures of the cosmos and for recomposing a cosmomorphic world.

Irrespective of the terminology chosen to define it, the period that we are traversing is characterised by brutal transformations, operating as much on the scale of ecosystems and the climate as on that –cellular and molecular– of the body and matter. In addition, the permanent exchanges brought about by the coexistence of humans and non-humans ought to be considered from the point of view of a perpetual and reciprocal contamination. In certain cases, this becomes the source of confusion between the natural and the artificial. Any kind of sensitive interface placed into contact and in relation to an exogenic organism, substance, or technology thus evolves or becomes reconfigured. To what extent do these logics of affection or infection produce a set of reciprocal effects, influences, or reactions, suitable for generating new and dynamic situations in which metamorphosis would be paramount within the organism, in which change would eventually turn out to be permanent ?

Based on an original idea by Raphaël Brunel, curator, and Julien Discrit, artist

IAC → EXHIBITIONS → in situ → Laboratoire espace cerveau - Station 16
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