The Institute d'art contemporain collection is the backbone for research and ex situ promotion of awareness. The collection is disseminated throughout the Rhône-Alpes region ans beyond. For the Institute, this is the testing of the possibilities of its collection in collaboration with numerous partners, thus strengthening the contemporary art network in the Rhône-Alpes region and establishing special links with international institutions.
The Institut d'art contemporain's Publics Service handles the external federation of the network of partner schools in the region. Within the framework of the Réseau Galeries (Gallery Network) organisation, the Publics Service organises micro-exhibitions of works from the Institute's collection in schools. This showing of works centred on a theme is backed up by the intervention of artists in the second year. Continued multidisciplinary teaching activities finally lead to accounts of experiences by the pupils.
Un événement, une oeuvre
La Collection en Collège
Collège Le Bonrieu Bozel

La pratique est absolument nécessaire et elle pose désormais le problème non plus de son esthétique mais de sa stratégie !*
La Collection en Enseignement supérieur
Cité du Design - ESADSE Saint-Etienne

Corps et geste
La Collection en Collège
Collège Champagne Thonon-les-Bains

Mouvement, Corps, Espace
La Collection en Collège
Collège Eugénie de Pomey Amplepuis