

Texts by S. Pluot, J.-P. Rehm, P. Rousseau. Interview Berdaguer&Péjus — S. Pluot.

144 pages


ISBN : 978-2-35864-0353

→ buy online

The oeuvre of Christophe Berdaguer & Marie Péjus is made up of many different procedures which engage the spectator in the direction of a perceptible and psychological experience of space. This is just a partial entry into their work, chosen here to incorporate it as an echo of a history of the modernist utopia. Forms borrowed from history, inner images, mental projections, but also chemical substances, olfactory atmospheres, systems of influence and conditioning, interplays on altered states of consciousness…
This book brings together a body of work produced over ther last fifteen years. It is designed around two themes: a circuit, round the Insula show presented by Berdaguer & Péjus at the Institut d’art contemporain de Villeurbanne in spring 2012, and ghosts, those of architectural magazines such as Aujourd’hui : Art & Architecture.
edited by Analogues, Arles
co-edited by

IAC Villeurbanne

FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Marseille

Académie de France à Rome - Villa Médicis Rome

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