Paysages artificiels

Œuvres de la Collection IAC, Rhône-Alpes

from  to 

Palais Delphinal Saint-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse

© Blaise Adilon

Elmar Trenkwalder, Sans titre, 1996
Delphine Coindet, 1x1x1, 2005
View of the exhibition Paysages artificiels, 24 April – 13 June 2010, Palais Delphinal, Saint-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse/Drôme.

© Blaise Adilon

The artists showed an imaginary landscape, leaving free rein to the unconscious of the visitor : Delphine Coindet used computer processing to retranscribe intuitive scribbling, Elmar Trenkwalder showed a utopian re-examination of vegetation using lead pencil and Pierre Malphettes reformulated nature using industrial material.

Avec le concours de la Direction Académique de la Drôme.
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes → Paysages artificiels
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