Jordi Colomer

Œuvre de la Collection IAC, Rhône-Alpes

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© Blaise Adilon

Jordi Colomer, Prototipos, 2004
View of the exhibition Jordi Colomer, 7 March - 1 april 2007, Château de Roussillon/Isère.

© Blaise Adilon


Jordi Colomer was invited to Château de Roussillon in this framework. The work Prototipos (2004) from the IAC collection was the starting point for the exhibition that included a recent work by Colomer, No Future ! (2006), and a specific project.
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes → Jordi Colomer → Jordi Colomer
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