La manifestation des autres

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes partner collection

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Loan of the work from the IAC Collection, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes: Jimmie DURHAM, Weeks and hours and similar divisions are human inventions, 2007

Öyvind FAHLSTRÖM, Sketch for World Map Part I (Americas, Pacific)
(Projet pour une carte du monde - 1° partie - Amériques, Pacifique), 1972

Pierre JOSEPH, Blanche-Neige (Personnage à réactiver), 1992

Daria MARTIN, Sensorium Tests, 2012

Matt MULLICAN, Learning from that Person’s work, Room 6, 2005
On Wednesday 26 June, at the Réfectoire de nonnes, Ensba Lyon, the exhibition La manifestation des autres (The manifestation of others), devised by artist Sophie Lamm as part of the defence of the DSRA - Diplôme supérieur de recherche en art - within the ACTH - Art contemporain et temps de l'histoire research unit, opens.

The group exhibition presents the work of artists from different generations who share a particular attention to others and the creation of forms that, with different approaches, respond to the im-thought, to the emergence of what, for the artist, is at the threshold of the studio.

The exhibition was conceived as a way of shedding light on what is often approached as an enigma in the artist's practice, the result of a complex confrontation between the artist and sources referring to multiple images already produced, as well as to social and political facts.

In her research, Sophie Lamm revisits the notion of metamorphosis, presented in Elias Canetti's anthropological, poetic and political work ‘Masse et Puissance’, in order to study and make intelligible the relationship that develops between the elaboration of sources and the work of stratification of the painted material and its own organic quality.

The dialogue with the works of the invited artists is based on two projects at the start and end of the research programme within the Contemporary Art and Historical Times unit: the installation ‘La Ronde à l'intérieur’, (2020), produced by the Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA with the support of CDA-Développement and the Programme Résidence en entreprises of the Ministère de la Culture, and the latest series of paintings À la mémoire des sans noms.
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes → La manifestation des autres
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