> rendezvous13.fr">

Rendez-vous 13

Young international artists

from  to 
Created in 2002, Rendez-vous, an international platform dedicated to young creative artists, is handled in an original manner by three French institutions: the Musée d’art contemporain, Lyon, the Institut d’art contemporain, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes and the École nationale supérieure des beaux‑arts, Lyon.

> rendezvous13.fr
Rendez-vous follows the evolution of the emerging scene and invites, since 2009, curators and directors of international Biennials. Rendez-vous is a unique project with an exhibition in Rhône-Alpes within the Lyon Biennial and, the following year, an event abroad consisting of exhibitions and residences:
– 2008: exhibition at the Shanghai Art Museum and residencies in Moscow, Beijing, Miami and Buenos Aires.
– 2010: participation to the Shanghai Biennial.
– 2012: exhibition in South Africa, at the South African National Gallery in Cape Town.

At the Institut d’art contemporain, Villeurbanne / Rhône-Alpes, within the 12th Biennial of Lyon, the 2013 edition features twenty artists from five continents (ten of them live in Rhône-Alpes) with the exhibiting of new projects in painting, sculpture, video, installations, etc.

Rendez-vous 13, which graphic design is conceived by Camille Garnier, assisted by Alaric Garnier and Anthony Kim, will come along with a website and an online publication. 
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → in situ → Rendez-vous 13
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