
Âmes vertes – Quand l’art affronte l’anthropocène


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Detail of Histoire des alliances alterpolitiques avec le peuple castor presented at Drawing Lab, Paris, 2023

Loan of the work from the IAC Collection, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes :

Suzanne HUSKY, L’histoire des alliances alterpolitique avec le peuple castor, 2024
A proposal by the EDF Group Foundation and Friche la Belle de Mai
This exhibition showcases artistic approaches typical of the Anthropocene, a period conducive to the emergence of new representations, those of our ‘green minds’, our ‘green souls’.

The ecological age we've entered gives rise to a wide range of responses, from the grim to the forward-looking to the activist. Facing up to the Anthropocene, this era of ecologically destructive humans, means overcoming eco-anxiety, aspiring to environmental moderation and shaping new ecosophical models. In the face of climate change, the time has come to rethink our relationship with the bios (the ‘living’: plants and animals, minerals and the atmosphere, the cosmos) and with each other.

The artistic field is resonating with this shift, which he sometimes anticipated. This exhibition looks at his particular approach. The Anthropocene is ushering in a mental, symbolic and aesthetic revolution: we need to learn to think, metabolise and represent differently. The ‘green soul’ is coming to the fore, re-qualifying our relationship with reality and the tensions caused by global warming, and generating contextual artistic expressions that tackle the ecological question in a sensitive, inspired and lucid way.

Committed to education, training and eco-citizenship, the EDF Group Foundation carries out cultural and artistic activities to encourage collective reflection on social issues. With this exhibition, it is coming to meet the public to tackle the ecological issue through the prism of contemporary art.

The exhibition takes over the Friche's two 1,400 m² exhibition spaces, presenting monumental installations, photographs, tapestries, sculptures and architectural models, all of which use art to shift the public's perspective on environmental issues.

The 22 artists and 5 architects on show respond to the eco-anxious rhetoric with optimism and resilience, inviting us to question our behaviour and awaken our ‘green’ souls. They don't just represent nature, they work with it, working with and sublimating natural materials (earth, plants, beeswax, cherry pits, etc.).

This approach, which has also been explored in architecture, tackles the ecological theme by fighting against ‘green depression’ and the feeling of irreversible failure. Imbued with optimism, this exhibition offers an open vision of the future, with a world that, while finite in its resources, invites us to build a different kind of society thanks to the ingenuity of living things.

‘With Âmes vertes , the artists highlight the ecological issue. Our relationship with nature becomes in turn something to alert us, to make us dream, to make us smile’.

- Alexandre Perra, Managing Director of the EDF Group Foundation
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → France & at the international → Âmes vertes – Quand l’art affronte l’anthropocène
printed on March 15, 2025 [00:56] from IP address :
© Institut d’art contemporain 2025