Under the clouds: from paranoia to the digital sublime

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Photo: Getty Images

Visuel de l'exposition - Nuclear Bomb Explosion, Baker test, Bikini, 25 July 1946

Photo: Getty Images

Avec les oeuvres de : Adel Abdessemed, Horst Ademeit, Cory Arcangel, Arte Nucleare, Darren Bader, Enrico Baj, Robert Barry*, Eduardo Batarda, Thomas Bayrle, Neïl Beloufa, René Bertholo, Joseph Beuys, K.P. Brehmer, Bruce Conner, Kate Cooper, Gregory Corso, Guy Debord, Harun Farocki, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Carla Filipe, General Idea, Melanie Gilligan, Jean-Luc Godard & Anne-Marie Miéville, Peter Halley, Rachel Harrison, Mona Hatoum, Pedro Henriques, Thomas Hirschhorn, Yves Klein, Sean Landers, Elad Lassry, Mark Lombardi, Julie Mehretu, Katja Novitskova, Ken Okiishi, Trevor Paglen, Nam June Paik, Silvestre Pestana, Pratchaya Phinthong, Seth Price, Martha Rosler, Thomas Ruff, Jacolby Satterwhite, Ângelo de Sousa, Frances Stark, Haim Steinbach, Hito Steyerl, Jean Tinguely, Adelhyd van Bender, Stan VanDerBeek, Andy Warhol, Christopher Williams, Christopher Wool, Anicka Yi.
*Oeuvre de la Collection IAC

Pour en savoir plus : http://www.serralves.pt/en/activities/under-the-clouds-from-paranoia-to-the-digital-sublime/
IAC → EXHIBITIONS → ex situ → The IAC Collection → France & at the international → Under the clouds: from paranoia to the digital sublime
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