Nathalie Muchamad

Born in 1979, Nouméa (New Caledonia)
Lives and works in Lyon (France)

Invited by the artistic direction of Rendez-vous

Nathalie Muchamad relentlessly interrogates the notion of memory. In her creations, hidden narratives emerge and distort the surface of the great epic of (largely Western) history. However, both the individual and the collective narratives turn out to be constructed from fiction. Nathalie Muchamad often brings movie references into her art: like, for example, when a photo of a packet of cotton wool comes between stills from the film Gone with the Wind, suddenly charging that innocuous object with highly symbolic reference. In any given situation, it is the diversity of points of view rather than an objective rendering of it that interests the artist. To explore these relationships, her primary object of research is related to the struggle for recognition of Kanak culture in her native New Caledonia. She ponders the best way to revive forgotten memories.

Rendez-vous I Biennale de Lyon 2017, Jeune création internationale



Rendez—Vous I Biennale de Lyon 2017, Jeune création internationale


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