Rencontre avec Tiphaine Calmettes

Les ateliers d'été de Pratiques cosmomorphes

| 18:00

Inaugurated in the summer of 2023, the summer workshops offer opportunities for meetings and shared experiences centered around artworks and artistic practices. This year, they provide a chance to delve deeper into the themes explored by the exhibition Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant.


→ Encounter with Tiphaine Calmettes
Discussion around the work "Cartographie d'un possible repas" in the exhibition Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant
With the participation of Léo Mariani, food anthropologist

Since their meeting a few years ago, Léo Mariani (anthropologist) and Tiphaine Calmettes (artist) have been discussing how we accept or reject mutual influences. While Tiphaine attempts to develop the power of objects and their forms of agency, Léo studies interdependence in the field of sulfur-free wines. They will share how their respective experiences influence their perspectives and practices.

Through her practice of sculpture, installation, and performative forms, Tiphaine Calmettes is interested in how our ways of being in the world can be rethought by reviving forgotten practices and skills.
Léo Mariani is a food anthropologist. His work has focused on viticulture, the role of smell in food, and the moral history of certain foods. He published "Le Goût des possibles. Enquêtes sur les ressorts symbolistes d'une crise écologique" in 2022 (Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre).

→ Free with reservation


Born in 1988 in Ivry-sur-Seine (France)
Lives and works in Paris (France)

Tiphaine Calmettes, a graduate of ENSA Bourges, has recently exhibited her work at the Centre international d’art & du paysage de l’Île de Vassivière twice, in 2020 and 2021. She has also exhibited at CAC La Traverse in Alfortville (2019), Kunstwerk Carlshütte in Büdelsdorf, Germany (2019), the Centre céramique contemporaine La Borne (2020), and IAC Villeurbanne as part of "Rituel·le·s" (2020). In 2019, she presented the exhibition "La Terre embrasse le sol" in resonance with the 15th Biennale d’art contemporain at ENS de Lyon. Tiphaine Calmettes won the Aware Prize for contemporary art in 2020 and was a resident at Crédac and the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers the following year.

IAC → Events → Rencontre avec Tiphaine Calmettes
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