in situ

En direct de l'exposition « INFANTIA (1894-7231) »

Live stream from noon to noon

from  to  | 12:00
Since the temporary closure of the IAC, the exhibition INFANTIA  (1894-7231) of artists Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni, which was launched on February 20, continues to develop and to transform itself...

Let's meet every Friday at noon, until noon on Saturday, on the Institut d'art contemporain - Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes's Facebook page for a live stream of 24 hours long of The Everted Capital (1971-4936), season 2, episode 2. Filmed from a 24 hours performance, this film is generated by a computer based at IAC.

This stream is also aired on the artists’ website as well as on Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain's Facebook page, partner of the exhibition, and the page of La Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, which hosted the exhibition The Form of Not, in 2018.

August 15th, 1971, as the process of dismantling the Earth through the acceleration of its rotation has begun, a group of mortals takes a family of immortals hostage, declaring that they are ready to die with the Earth. As a television crew enters the building and interviews the mortals, a child is born.
3000 years later, the dismantling of the Earth is almost finished, we follow the life of the last of the mortals – 82 generations later – as she endlessly repeats the hostage situation of August 1971.
Once again, a child is born.
She is the product of a crossbreeding between mortals and immortals. Neither mortal nor immortal, it is “more than life”. An artificial intelligence transforms objects and spaces into this mutating newborn. The film is generated in real time and continues to change form indefinitely.

More information - Exhibition INFANTIA (1894-7231)
IAC → Events → En direct de l'exposition « INFANTIA (1894-7231) »
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