The IAC Foundation

A pioneering structure for contemporary art, the IAC has, since 1978, held around one hundred exhibitions by internationally renowned artists, established one of the first contemporary art collections in France, facilitated numerous encounters with contemporary art figures, and raised public awareness through the distribution of its collection throughout the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Primarily a forward-looking tool, the IAC has produced the first major exhibitions in France of now-renowned artists such as Daniel Buren, Dan Graham, Anish Kapoor, On Kawara, Richard Long, Tony Cragg, Gerhard Richter, Martha Rosler, Jeff Wall, Lawrence Weiner, Pierre Huyghe, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anri Sala, Maria Loboda, Laurent Grasso, Jason Dodge, Saâdane Afif, Tarek Atoui, and others.

Close to artists and their practices, the IAC’s missions form a comprehensive artistic and cultural project: to produce and exhibit, research and experiment, acquire and disseminate, document and publish, transmit and educate.

From its inception, the IAC, originating from the Nouveau Musée and the initiative of Jean-Louis Maubant, has surrounded itself with private individuals whose support has allowed this institution to become essential in the national and international artistic landscape.

This dynamic of sharing and co-construction with civil society continues today with the Friends association, created in 2008, and the IAC Foundation, launched in 2016, under the auspices of the Bullukian Foundation, recognized as a public utility. This Foundation, intended to support the entire project and activities of the IAC, aims to bring together patrons and partners who share the same passion for creation and the same belief in the contribution of artists to provide new ways of understanding the world of tomorrow.

members of the foundation

The IAC Foundation is placed under the auspices of the Bullukian Foundation, recognized as a public utility.

Founding members
Mr. Jean-Patrice Bernard • Mr. Jacques Caton • Mr. Michel Jolivet • Mr. Yves Manet • Ms. Marie-Ève Poly


For more information, please contact:
Sonia Romanova
04 78 03 47 00
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